Global leader in factory automation
Over 60 years of experience and a strong focus on research and development give FANUC the legitimacy and knowledge needed to offer you the best in your business areas: CNC, robots and machine robots. Equipped with 100% FANUC components, FANUC equipment is highly cost effective, compact and above all reliable.
Pioneers in electric injection machines, the ROBOSHOT injection machines, represented by AGI, include artificial intelligence functions and ensure high control, accuracy and lower power consumption.
All-electric injection machines
High-speed FANUC CNC control communicating 16,000 times per second for maximum accuracy and extremely fast response speed;
High productivity at very low costs;
Artificial Intelligence (iA), FANUC’s unique technology, which provides automated active control for optimum molding stability;
Lowest energy consumption thanks to FANUC’s unique regeneration technology;
99.99% Up-time Reliability
Worldwide Customer Support
Custom Service Packs Available
World leaders in Industrial Automation
Energy Efficient Product Range



Complete range available with more than 10 base models with 15 to 500 tons of clamping force.
Contact Us
For more information on FANUC equipment, please contact us.